Data Science and Machine Learning


We are focusing on creating a unique eco systems which comprises of Head of Departments of Mathematics &  Operational Research from Universities and Technology Specialist with Mathematical Degree background who can understand and build algorithms quickly. We heavily use Python, R, RStudio and AzureML. Our engineers are familiar with Gage R&R and other Statistical Predictive Model techniques.



Internet of Things

The IoT will have a great impact on the economy by transforming many enterprises into digital businesses and facilitating new business models, improving efficiency, and generating new forms of revenue.With the advent of IoT, the entire business landscape is changing dynamically across organizations by creating a new revenue stream, embark on digital transformation and improving efficiencies. It will bring a huge impact of businesses and policymakers.

Gemicorn’s capability on the real-time analytics, embedded systems and cloud computing coupled with the upsurge of sensors and mobile technologies, helps us to provide a scalable and a powerful solutions & services on Internet of Things.

Gemicorn provides ideas and insights to enterprises on the right IoT solutions to reap the benefits of Machine-to-Machine/IoT technology. Our solution helps in enhancing the products in the M2M ecosystem and  provide a smart, secure and connected experience for enterprises.

 Specialized IOT Services